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原创 詹杜对决!湖人主场揭幕战迎战太阳,球迷:KD会感冒

原标题:詹杜对决 !原创阳球湖人主场揭幕战迎战太阳 ,詹杜主场战迎战太球迷  :KD会感冒 今天凌晨 ,对决据名记Shams报道 ,湖人新赛季的揭幕詹杜首次对决为北京时间10月27日,即两队揭幕战之后的感冒第二场比赛,也是原创阳球湖人新赛季的主场揭幕战 。作为联盟曾经的詹杜主场战迎战太大小王 ,再加上由于轮休或伤病  ,对决他们已经有5年没有交手了(包括全明星赛) ,湖人两人上一次交锋还得追溯到2018年的揭幕圣诞大战(湖人客场127-101战胜勇士,詹姆斯得到17分13篮板5助攻 ,感冒杜兰特得到21分7篮板7助攻) 。原创阳球詹杜对决即将来临,詹杜主场战迎战太引来热议 ,对决一起来看看球迷如何评论! Are they actually going to both play? I guess they are giving it their best shot putting them together early in the season 他们真的会同时上场吗?我猜他们会尽最大努力在赛季初就把他们安排在一起吧 。 The Bradley Beal vs Rui Hachimura ex-teammate battle 布拉德利-比尔与八村塁的前队友之争。 Wasn’t bron supposed to get surgery this offseason? I thought that was the reason he got swept in the WCF is that he was playing so injured he would need surgery… At least that’s what Lakers Fans were telling me… odd… 布朗不是应该在今年休赛期接受手术吗?我以为这就是他在西决被横扫的原因 ,因为他打得受太多伤,需要动手术......至少湖人球迷是这么告诉我的......奇怪...... Can’t wait 等不及了。 Watch how one of them suddenly gets injured 看其中一人如何突然受伤 。 KD will mysteriously get injured in training camp now KD 将在训练营中神秘受伤。 First time KD will own Lebron since this 自此之后,KD 打爆勒布朗。 I see the NBA wants to have Lebron vs KD actually happen, so they made it the first game. 我看到 NBA 是多么希望让勒布朗对阵 KD 的比赛真正发生  ,所以他们把它作为第一场比赛 。 KD is gonna have a cold or sumthin KD 会感冒还是怎么的 。 Putting these good teams to play each other right out the gate makes no sense . Let them play a few games first against lesser teams then have them play when they in rhythm. That game will be so bad 让这些优秀的球队一开始就互相比赛毫无意义 。让他们先与实力较弱的球队打几场比赛,然后等他们进入节奏后再进行比赛 ,那场比赛会很糟糕 。 One will fake an injury and we know that person 一个人会假装受伤,我们知道那个人是谁。 So Lakers start 0-2 new season 也就是湖人2连败开局。 I feel like it’s still not gonna happen 我觉得还是不会发生 。 I can bet my last dollar KD find a way to not play this game 我可以用最后一块钱打赌 ,KD 找到了不打这场比赛的理由。 KD getting hurt during warm up practice before the game to duck Lebron again KD在赛前热身训练中受伤,再次回避勒布朗。 KD after seeing this. 杜兰特看到这个之后: Thank god they put it early. We would never see it if they planned it months into the season. 感谢上帝 ,他们把它提前了 ,如果他们在赛季进行到几个月之后,我们就永远看不到了 。 No guarantee KD and Bron will face each other. Durant might request a trade before then 不能保证 KD 和勒布朗会对决 ,杜兰特可能会在此之前要求交易 。 Last time they faced off: 上一次他们对决。 That’s funny, we all know kd gonna slip on a banana peel and get injured again 有趣的是,我们都知道 KD 会踩到香蕉皮滑倒 ,然后再次受伤。 Breaking news Kevin Durant will be out for personal reasons sources tell @wojespn 即时新闻:消息人士透露凯文-杜兰特将因个人原因缺阵 。 你认为新赛季第二战会迎来詹杜对决吗?欢迎在评论区留下你的观点  ! 欢迎点赞、和转发 【免责声明】如涉及作品内容、版权和其它问题 ,请在30日内与本站联系,我们将在第一时间删除内容!返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑 :
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